In the last few years, many conservative commentators and political figures, including President Trump, have lashed out against […]
The Democratic Party is rolling out its left-wing big guns to go to California to support Gov. Gavin […]
Are you a racist? All white people are, says “White Fragility” author Robin DiAngelo. Race explains everything, says […]
There is little that reveals the immorality and dishonesty of the left more than its labeling the term […]
According to a new report from The Washington Post, America’s corporations have committed “at least” $49.5 billion to […]
Shhhhh. The information I’m about to share with you is dangerous and subversive. You cannot publish it on […]
Greek mythology tells the tale of Erysichthon, the powerful King of Thessaly. The story goes that Erysichthon, seeking […]
Politicians love force. The idea of leaving us alone to make our own decisions goes against their nature. […]
How does a leader decide what to do? The most logical response is: “Cui bono?” — “Who benefits?” […]
President Joe Biden describes his $3.5 trillion spending scheme as a way to improve the economy and “build […]
This week, as President Joe Biden attempted desperately to distract from his ongoing surrender in Afghanistan and the […]
Disgraced Andrew Cuomo abandoned the New York governor’s mansion last week, leaving nearly 15,000 dead nursing home residents […]
Georgia (the ex-Soviet Republic, not the U.S. state) is now a remarkable success story. Its economy is growing […]
Every so often the truth seeps out that significantly reducing global greenhouse gas emissions will require enormous sacrifices, […]
Remember John Lennon’s silly song, “Imagine”? Well, here’s my (much shorter) version. Imagine if some of the biggest […]
America has been wrecked on the shoals of identity. Identity politics has been characterized casually as a form […]
YouTube just froze Sen. Rand Paul’s YouTube channel. That’s just wrong. Small-minded. Counterproductive. YouTube says Paul violated their […]
It’s time to end the madness. However you feel about President Joe Biden’s handling of the withdrawal of […]
President Joe Biden was right in his speech to the nation about our withdrawal from Afghanistan, that a […]
Are they still protesting in Cuba? I don’t know. The Cuban government has shut off the Cuban people’s […]
The enabling tool of what we call “cancel culture” or “wokeness” is language. People are put in categories […]
“Those who fail to heed history are doomed to repeat it.” This aphorism has been attributed to Edmund […]
A new report reveals some incredible (and hilarious) news about Hollywood's booming socialism movement. Stopping Socialism’s Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal explain in this episode of “Stopping Socialism TV.”
Two weeks to slow the spread. That was the original rationale for the lockdowns, masking and social distancing: […]
“Why do I have to compete against a male body?” complains mountain bike racer Leia Schneeberger in my […]
In my last column, I published comments written by New York Times subscribers about how proud they were […]
Do you love Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez so much that you would pay more than $50 for a pro-AOC sweatshirt? No? Didn't think so. Still, we had a blast touring AOC's online merchandise store. Don't miss this fun episode of “Stopping Socialism TV," featuring Stopping Socialism’s Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal.
In their latest episode of “Stopping Socialism TV,” Stopping Socialism’s Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal break down some of their favorite crazy propaganda music videos, brought to the world by CCP.
Liberals, progressives, and socialists claim they love "clean" energy sources, like wind farms and solar panels, and some most certainly do. However, many left-wing politicians, pundits, and environmentalists have a dirty secret they don't want you to know about their support for "green" energy.
Hollywood studios and stars have in recent years been kowtowing to China at an alarming rate. But recent developments suggest the love affair could be ending soon. Stopping Socialism’s Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal explain in this episode of “Stopping Socialism TV.”
Politicians just don’t learn. People die as police fight drug dealers. Marijuana dealers form gangs and fight among […]
America has a crisis of empathy. That crisis isn’t expressed as lack of charitable giving: Americans give approximately […]
Ben & Jerry’s, noted for its ice cream made from “contented cows,” has produced not such contented consumers […]
This past weekend, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd added another column to the myriad irrational and hysterical […]
Have you noticed how our language is changing? At a congressional hearing on “Birthing While Black,” nearly every […]
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill backing the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) push to craft […]
Since the new wave of race consciousness that has been sweeping our country, precipitated by the graphic video […]
They’re baaaack. Cut-and-run Democrats are making headlines this month for bailing on their state legislative duties in order […]
This week, President Joe Biden was asked whether he had any message for social media amidst a dramatic […]
How many examples could one give to show what a sick world left-wing activists, the media and the […]
This week, thousands of Cuban dissidents marched against the repressive communist tyranny that has subjugated the Cuban people […]
America has so many regulations that today, often the only way to do something new, to create something […]
The Poor People’s Campaign has announced a “season of nonviolent, moral direct action,” targeting the U.S. Senate with […]