Some think tank or polling organization should ask 1,000 Americans: What is the best thing most Americans can […]
This Independence Day, a poll from Issues & Insights revealed that only 36% of adults aged 18-24 said […]
It is one of the unfortunate ironies coming out of the Biden administration that, with all the obsession […]
As our July Fourth celebrations were beginning, the U.S. quietly closed and abandoned Bagram Air Base, the largest […]
Troy University’s Manuel H. Johnson Center for Political Economy explores the rebirth of socialism in the United States […]
Wokeness may be the most absurd, harebrained concept foisted on the American public in our lifetimes. Consider just […]
In a somewhat stunning turn of events, the people of Peru have apparently elected an unrepentant socialist, Pedro […]
Thanks to Britney Spears’ court battles over her hard-earned fortune, more Americans than ever before are learning about […]
Last weekend, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. ordered the U.S. military to bomb targets in Syria and Iraq […]
Would carrying a gun make you feel safer? Robert Nash and Brandon Koch thought so. But the state […]
If you’re white and work for the federal government, get ready to be labelled a racist, regardless of […]
This week, heretofore nearly anonymous hammer thrower Gwen Berry made international headlines when, during the podium ceremony for […]
The issue of critical race theory is raising a more fundamental question about our nation: education. Education is […]
As many observers have noted, staying safe has become a religion. “Safetyism,” as it is sometimes called, like […]
No one is paying much attention, but Washington is building up a vast new multitrillion-dollar welfare class: corporate […]
About that clash between a British destroyer and Russian warplanes and warships in the Black Sea last week […]
On Tuesday, Brooklyn Borough President and former police captain Eric Adams took the lead in the New York […]
In the event that a group of U.S. senators cannot agree on committing enough money to a bipartisan […]
There is a silent epidemic in this country claiming the lives and property of untold numbers of innocent […]
Americans need to live and let live. Let the LGBTQ activists practice their preferences, and let Christians live […]
According to the establishment media, critical race theory, or CRT, is a distraction. It is a right-wing smear. […]
Last week, I debunked three myths about capitalism. Here are four more: Myth No. 4: Capitalism creates unsafe […]
The Supreme Court’s recent decision, Fulton v. Philadelphia, is justifiably getting mixed reviews. Catholic Social Services sued the […]
If America is systemically racist, why have millions of blacks from Africa and the Caribbean come to this […]
President Joe Biden’s performance at the meeting with foreign leaders in Britain last week was a disgrace. Biden […]
Last week, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops voted 168-55, more than 3-1, to provide new guidance for […]
In June 2020, the World Economic Forum — working alongside officials from large corporations, banks, financial institutions and […]
By a vote of 30-1 in the House, with unanimous support in the Senate, Juneteenth, June 19, which […]
For several decades now, politicians around the world have tried to curtail tax competition to make it easier […]
Last week, The New York Times revealed that in late 2017 and early 2018, prosecutors in the Department […]
This week, a video from a San Francisco Walgreens went viral on Twitter. The video depicted a man […]
Another day, another de-banking. Imagine a ruthless country where peaceful citizens who fearlessly defend their heritage, their families […]
It’s hard to know what’s worse — brainwashing kids or lying about it. Parents worried their kids are […]
For sure, Democrats rejoiced as they watched Republicans painfully twist in the wind at the beginning of LGBTQ […]
Everywhere, people trash capitalism. But what they think they know about capitalism is usually wrong. My new video […]
Unconditional love is neither biblical nor rational nor moral. Can you name anything good that is or should […]
Almost exactly a year ago, race riots paralyzed more than a dozen of America’s great cities, from New […]
History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce. Karl Marx’s comment came to mind as President Joe […]
Many pundits and politicians on the Left claim voter ID laws are "racist" and stop honest Americans from voting lawfully. That's why the United States MUST pass H.R. 1, they claim. The truth tells a very different story, however. Writer/research fellow Justin Haskins explains in this episode of “Stopping Socialism TV.”
The Great Reset movement poses a significant threat to individual liberty, and, unfortunately, it seems like there are Great Reset developments occurring nearly every week.
In 1859, Abraham Lincoln related the tale of an Eastern monarch who charged his wise men with discovering […]
The scale and scope of government spending expansion in the last year are unprecedented. Because Uncle Sam doesn’t […]
For the first time in American history, a federal judge last week authorized the government to admit as […]
The “Great Reset” is a far-left movement meant to push the “reset” button on the global economy. It […]
President Joe Biden released his budget for the new fiscal year last week, and while many words could […]