Sign the Petition to Stop Joe Biden and the Great Reset!

stop the great reset petition

The “Great Reset” is a far-left movement meant to push the “reset” button on the global economy. It is supported by countless leaders at many of the world’s most influential international institutions, corporations, and banks, including the World Economic Forum, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Bank of America, and Microsoft.

Joe Biden, his climate czar John Kerry, and many others in the Biden administration support the Great Reset (or, at the very least, many of its primary components), and they are actively seeking to make it a reality.

As Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum, has explained, the purpose of the Great Reset is to get governments and international corporations to work together to “act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”

Supporters of this movement plan to “reset” the global economy using two strategies.

The first is to create or expand large government programs that seek to merge left-wing causes with jobs programs, such as Biden’s energy and infrastructure plan.

The second strategy is to completely transform the way businesses—especially large multinational corporations—operate by coercing them into promoting leftist ideas in exchange for government funding, investment from private entities, access to capital from financial institutions, and tax breaks, as well by using taxes, regulations, and private investment to punish businesses that do not support left-wing causes.


Stopping the Great Reset is going to be incredibly difficult, but we’re not going to lay down and let global elites seize control of American society. We’re fighting back, and we need your help. Please sign our petition below to stop the Great Reset. We have already collected the contact information for every state and federal lawmaker, and once we reach our signature threshold, we’ll send the petition to them, as well as many other influential leaders, to make it clear that the American people do not support the Great Reset’s proposals, including the use of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores, which are used to coerce businesses into adopting left-wing causes.

Thank you for your support, and for taking the time to stand up to the elites that want to fundamentally transform our nation.

*In order for your signature to count, you must VERIFY the signature. You’ll receive an automated email from Civist asking you to confirm. If you don’t confirm the signature, we won’t be able to use it! Also, in the “location” section, please type in your state, at the very least. That will help us target the right policymakers.

**Please note that we will not sell your contact information, including your email address, but if you choose to sign the petition, you agree to allow us (as well as The Heartland Institute) to send you more information about the Great Reset, socialism, and other topics related to the preservation of America.

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