Klaus Schwab’s Time May Be Almost Up

World Economic Forum (WEF) Chairman Klaus Schwab, who has run the organization since its foundation in the early 1970s, may be the target of a mutiny.

According to The Guardian, a group of current and former WEF members contacted them, saying “Schwab was a law unto himself and had surrounded himself with ‘nobodies’ who were incapable of running the organisation…”

This group, which has remained anonymous, stated, “Klaus has been at the helm of the WEF for 52 years. When he was born [in 1938] 122 of the 195 states in the world right now did not even exist. He is completely unaccountable to anyone inside and outside the organisation.”

Members of this emerging group have attempted to air their concerns on social media, but claim the WEF pressured social media companies to remove them. They claim they are “hesitant to come forward as Klaus is very well connected and can make life very difficult for us even after we leave the WEF.”

Further, “Klaus picks his leaders using the same criteria Putin uses to pick deputies for the state duma: loyalty, guile, and sex appeal.”

Boy, for an organization that supposedly has altruistic motives (they don’t), it sure doesn’t sound like a great place to work.

Whatever the case may be, there is clearly blood in the water, which only benefits the rest of the world. The WEF’s insidious Great Reset of society, which relies heavily upon the forced adoption of a unitary environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scheme by every company (and eventually, individual) in the world, is already underway. Schwab stated to the numerous elected officials and societal elites gathered in Davos for the WEF’s annual meeting: “We are confronted with unprecedented and multiple challenges. First, our global economy is undergoing a deep transformation. The energy transition, the consequences of COVID, the reshaping of supply chains are all serving as catalytic forces for the economic transformation.”

The agenda for the meeting is geared towards addressing what Schwab has termed the “Year of the Polycrisis,” yet another example of the fearmongering endemic to the WEF that somehow necessitates their vicelike grip on global policy. It includes “doubling down on the transition to renewable energy, the codification of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards to make compliance more measurable, ‘social and green jobs for building inclusive and sustainable economies, and ‘diversity equity inclusion (DEI) lighthouses,’ among other objectives.

The WEF’s stated purpose for this year’s meeting, according to a press release, involves “how we can tackle the numerous and interlinked challenges the world is facing and find solutions through public-private cooperation.” While such a statement might seem innocuous to some, the combination of societal elites from sovereign governments, international organizations, central banks, media companies, technology behemoths, industry leaders, and Wall Street titans all working together to enhance their partnerships with one another and mold society as they see fit is the definition of global fascism.

Infighting amongst the WEF can only benefit the rest of the world, as it will render the organization more ineffectual, and distract Schwab and his cronies from their fascistic agenda. Let’s hope this mutiny gets uglier.


Photo by Foundations World Economic Forum, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Jack McPherrin ([email protected]) is a managing editor of StoppingSocialism.com, research editor for The Heartland Institute, and a research fellow for Heartland's Socialism Research Center. He holds an MA in International Affairs from Loyola University-Chicago, and a dual BA in Economics and History from Boston College.