The most famous words of Franklin Roosevelt, America’s longest-serving president, were, “The only thing we have to fear […]
Dennis Prager
To most readers of this column, the question is absurd. The reason is not because the question is, […]
If no one goes to prison for actor Alec Baldwin’s accidental killing of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, our society […]
As I have noted repeatedly, liberalism and leftism have virtually nothing in common. In fact, leftism is the […]
There is almost nothing Democrats can do to damage America, or Israel, that would change most American Jews’ […]
There is something about most Jews that few non-Jews know: We Jews often ask ourselves if a non-Jew […]
Here is something any honest person must acknowledge: As America has become more secular, it has become less […]
There is little that reveals the immorality and dishonesty of the left more than its labeling the term […]
How does a leader decide what to do? The most logical response is: “Cui bono?” — “Who benefits?” […]
Remember John Lennon’s silly song, “Imagine”? Well, here’s my (much shorter) version. Imagine if some of the biggest […]
In my last column, I published comments written by New York Times subscribers about how proud they were […]
This past weekend, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd added another column to the myriad irrational and hysterical […]
How many examples could one give to show what a sick world left-wing activists, the media and the […]
Some think tank or polling organization should ask 1,000 Americans: What is the best thing most Americans can […]
As many observers have noted, staying safe has become a religion. “Safetyism,” as it is sometimes called, like […]
If America is systemically racist, why have millions of blacks from Africa and the Caribbean come to this […]
Unconditional love is neither biblical nor rational nor moral. Can you name anything good that is or should […]
When you meditate for a moment on what the left expects honest and decent people to believe, you […]
America is going through convulsions that may destroy it as the country we and the world have known […]
Just as physicists look for equations to explain the natural world, I have always thought it useful to […]
In “Why the Jews?” my book on anti-Semitism, there is a chapter on anti-Americanism. My co-author, Rabbi Joseph […]
On March 23, Mohammad Anwar of Springfield, Virginia, a 66-year-old immigrant from Pakistan earning his living as an […]
When I see people walking outside, often alone with no one anywhere near them, wearing a mask, my […]
Conservatives often speak of Judeo-Christian values and how the current civil war in the United States and the […]
I have been telling parents for decades that sending a child to almost any college is playing Russian […]
The great tragedy of our time is that liberals vote left. Virtually every value liberals have held for […]
One of the most highly regarded books of the 20th century was Ernest Becker’s “The Denial of Death.” […]
Given how flawed human nature is, America has been a remarkable moral achievement. This is the truism that […]