WATCH: Bernie Considering 2024 Presidential Run

Despite the fact that the Democratic Party shafted Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in 2016 and 2020, the self-avowed socialist who caucuses with the Democrats is considering a third run for the presidency in 2024. If anything, Bernie certainly is tenacious in his steadfast belief that the socialist revolution will prevail in the land of the free.

“I assume that he would give it a hard look,” Sanders’ adviser Faiz Shakir recently told CBS News. “I don’t want to make the judgment for him. Obviously, it would be his choice to make. But I assume that he would want to reevaluate it.”

However, as Shakir noted later in the interview, Sanders’ decision will hinge on whether or not President Biden runs for re-election.

“Personally, I take President Biden at his word and our orbit takes him at his word that he’s taking it seriously and presume that he is leaning toward yes,” Shakir said. “But if it were an open field? Yeah, I’m confident he would take another look at it and say, ‘Do I want to do this or not?’” he added.

Watch the video on Stopping Socialism TV’s Youtube channel below!




Photo by Gage Skidmore, Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0).