AOC, Other Far-Left Radicals Turn Up the Heat on Biden to Accept Their Socialist Demands

On November 19, a parade of prominent progressive and socialist leaders and organizations held a press conference in front of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington, DC, where they demanded significant action on climate change and social and racial justice issues.

The so-called “Squad,” in coordination with far-left groups such as the Sunrise Movement, led the effort, which was aimed at pressuring  a potential Biden administration to adopt their long list of demands.

Chief among their demands was the Green New Deal.

“We have worked with the Biden administration to secure a $2 trillion climate plan, but we’re not going to stop there,” said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

AOC continued, “We’re going to organize and demand that this administration — which I believe is decent and kind and honorable — keep their promise. Keeps its promise to young people. Keeps its promise to the movement for black lives. Keeps its promise to working-class people across the United States.”

Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), another supporter of the Green New Deal, added, “Young people rose up and young people voted in unprecedentedly high numbers and their number one issue was the climate crisis. We’re just here to say that we want and we ask Joe Biden to be brave, to be big, to be bold.”

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) chimed in with, “Some of the leaders of the Democratic Party, or even some of our colleagues who are freshmen, talk about us getting back to basics. I was confused because what is more basic than fighting for clean water? What is more basic than fighting for a breathable planet?”

Newly elected congressman Mondaire Jones (D-NY) gave his two cents on the future of climate policy: “I’m excited to build back better and to pass the most robust ambitious climate proposal offered by any major party nominee for the presidency.”

No doubt, this means that Biden and other congressional Democrats better support the Squad’s socialist Green New Deal, among many other things–or else.

PHOTO: New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Photo by nrkbeta. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)