WATCH: Karl Marx’s Darkest Secrets Revealed

In this segment of Stopping Socialism TV, Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal talk about a handful of stories found on that reveal the true character of Karl Marx. It turns out Marx is not a champion of “little guy.” He is actually a raging racist who hated the poor and abandoned his son for political purposes. I wonder if the Left will cancel Marx when they find out. Somehow, I doubt it.

BASE PHOTO CREDIT: Karl Marx | Карл Маркс, 1875. Photo provided by Flickr user Olga. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Donald Kendal is the co-founder of and serves as the website's creative director and senior editor. He's also the host of "In the Tank," a popular podcast that discusses news and opinion, with a focus on the work of free-market think tanks across the country, and a graphic designer at The Heartland Institute.