AOC’s Green New Deal Propaganda Film Nominated for an Emmy—No, We’re Not Joking

On August 6, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) announced its nominees for the 41st Annual News and Documentary Emmy Awards.

The entire list serves as an excellent illustration of the left-wing bias running rampant in Hollywood and the New York news media, but perhaps the best example is a propaganda film about the socialist Green New Deal, the brainchild of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). The short film was nominated for an Emmy in the category of “News and Documentary.”

Upon hearing the news, AOC immediately tweeted, “So… while 2020 is highly unpredictable, I *definitely* did not expect to be nominated for an Emmy Award for our Green New Deal project with @theintercept, @mollycrabapple, @NaomiAKlein & others. Rather shocked & very grateful.”

Well, AOC might have been shocked about her Emmy nomination, but should she be? I mean, is it really all that surprising a socialist congresswoman would be celebrated by the New York establishment news media and Hollywood for making a seven-minute film about climate change? Of course not. That is par for the course these days.

Just in case you were wondering, AOC’s film will face some stiff competition. AOC’s pet project is up against “Tiller and Beyond: Abortion Wars in Kansas” from MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show, “Equal Play” from The New York Times, “Detained by a Dictator” from Real America with Jorge Ramos, and last but not least, “‘Infested,’ He Says” from CNN’s New Day Weekend.

Boy, the New York news media elites and Hollywood really went out on a limb in making sure its nominations covered the full spectrum of political philosophy, huh? What a joke!

AOC’s Green New Deal short doc is, simply put, socialist propaganda. It portrays a magical future world in which all of the Left’s socialist GND policies have been imposed on the American people, who are, of course, so much better off than they were before. But, you don’t have to take my word for it. Watch the short film for yourself below. (Before starting, I highly recommend taking an Aspirin. Headaches have been closely associated with this garbage movie.)

For those of you who don’t remember, the Green New Deal is perhaps the most socialistic proposal offered in American history. Among other things, it would impose:

  • Single-payer health care
  • Federal jobs guarantee
  • The elimination of the entire fossil-fuel industry
  • A mandate that every home and business building in the country be retrofitted for “green” compliance and “safety”
  • Free college
  • A new system of publicly owned banks
  • Universal access to healthy foods
  • And a whole bunch of other left-wing goals, mandates, and promises.

Sounds exactly like the kind of thing Hollywood and the establishment media would love, right?

PHOTO: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaking to attendees at a rally for Bernie Sanders in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Photo by Matt A.J. Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)