Socialism at a Glance: A Resource for Anyone Interested in Learning the Truth Behind Socialist Ideology
A growing number of people throughout the world, especially younger generations, now believe that socialism is a viable political, economic, and social model. This is particularly true in the United States, where there has been an ongoing societal debate concerning whether or not the country should replace free-market capitalism with socialism.
Those arguing in favor of socialism believe that a collectivist model is superior to individual liberty, economic freedom, and limited government, are either ignorant of or willfully disregarding socialism’s track record of misery, death, and utter failure. A prime reason behind this highly concerning trend is that today’s educational institutions have been derelict in their duty to properly educate their students about one of the most destructive ideologies to ever plague humankind.
Socialism at a Glance attempts to fill that educational deficiency, providing a succinct summary of socialism’s origins and rise in modern history while also giving detailed case studies of some of the most infamous socialist regimes that rose to power in the 20th century, including some that still exist to this day. Far from another dry history book, Socialism at a Glance provides historical anecdotes, hard data, and personal accounts of life under a selection of ruthless socialist governments.
While Socialism at a Glance is geared towards educating students who have not been exposed to accurate portrayals of socialism, it would behoove all Americans to know the unvarnished truth about this dangerous ideology, including its insidious rise in modern America and how it could ultimately doom the American experiment. Whether used a classroom resource or as a standalone book, Socialism at a Glance delivers a fact-based assessment of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ utopian vision that will provide readers with a clear understanding of why socialism has resulted in mass poverty, death, and destruction in each and every instance it has been implemented on a grand scale.
Over the past few years, there has been an ongoing societal debate in the United States concerning whether or not the country should replace our free-market capitalist system with socialism.
Some on the left, such as Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, argue that income inequality, systemic racism, and the widening wealth gap point to the need for socialist economic policies to level the playing field. They also argue that because the United States is the wealthiest country in the world, it can afford to redistribute much of that wealth from the rich to the poor.
On the other hand, many on the right side of the political aisle argue that the United States is the wealthiest nation in world history due to the fact that it has historically had a thriving free-market economy. They contend that free-market capitalism is the fairest economic system because it aligns with human nature, rewards hard work, fuels innovation, and prioritizes freedom.
Over the past decade in particular, the debate between these two ideologies has become increasingly polarized, with both sides digging in their heels.
Supporters of socialism claim that they are fighting for the “little guy,” and the government should provide for the basic needs of the people. They also argue that socialism is morally superior to free-market capitalism because socialism rejects what they call the excessive and exploitative nature of free-market capitalism.
Supporters of capitalism claim that a free-market economy presents opportunities for all to prosper. They cite the countless “rags to riches” stories that have come true throughout the history of the United States. They also argue that free-market capitalism is indeed morally superior to socialism because free-market capitalism protects private property rights, individual freedom, and limited government.
In truth, both sides of the debate attempt to paint the other as misguided at best and evil at worst.
This book is solely dedicated to examining the facts regarding the merits of this increasingly important and timely debate, while avoiding unsubstantiated attacks and tired political talking points.
As such, we will take a fact-based, unbiased approach as we examine the origins of socialism, analyze the theory of socialism as propagated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, review several socialist regimes in modern history, investigate the relationship between socialism and human nature, and assess democratic socialism.
What is Socialism?
Socialism is an economic-political system in which the “good” of the collective is more important than the “good” of the individual. Socialists argue that this is the best way to organize society because it ensures that everyone’s basic needs are met while reducing the gap between rich and poor.
In socialist societies, the government centrally plans and manages the economy. This means a handful of government officials determine who receives what because the government controls most “property,” including the means of production. This also means that, under socialism, private businesses do not exist because the government either directly or indirectly manages all economic activity. Because there is no motive to make a profit and individuals are not rewarded if they work harder than others, everyone generally receives whatever government officials determine they need.
Socialism rejects the American ideals of self-government, individualism, personal liberty, private property rights, and limited government. The American Experiment protects individual freedom, rewards merit and risk-taking, and allows individuals to pursue their own dreams. On the other hand, socialist governments are all-powerful, manage the economy through top-down command-and-control central planning, and micromanage the lives of citizens—down to what job one has, where one is allowed to live, what one can eat, and what information one is able to receive.
Because socialism places such emphasis on implementing total governmental control over the economy and society as a whole, individual rights are few and far between. For example, most socialist countries are one-party states without free and fair elections, and do not protect freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, or most of the other personal freedoms enjoyed by citizens of the free world. Inevitably, this leads to economic stagnation, lack of innovation, widespread corruption, rampant censorship, and a general fear and distrust of those in positions of power.
Moreover, as will be discussed in depth later, socialist governments have a long track record of imprisoning, torturing, or murdering anyone who dares to speak against the regime. In socialist governments, dissidents–those who question or oppose the government–are treated like enemies of the state.
Socialism has been tried many times in many different countries, and nearly always results in widespread poverty, mass murder, starvation, genocide, and a total lack of individual freedom.
From the Soviet Union, to Nazi Germany, to Cuba, to modern-day China, socialism has taken many forms. However, regardless of which form socialism takes, it has consistently resulted in the murder of tens of millions of people, horrific wars, and economic devastation.
Yet, despite its track record of destruction, death, and general societal misery, socialism remains a powerful ideology that many people believe to be better than free-market capitalism.
As we enter the 21st century, the world is still divided between free nations and socialist nations. Today, Communist China is trying to replace the United States as the world’s dominant superpower. And, even though socialism has a long history of utter failure, a growing number of Americans seek to replace free-market capitalism and our constitutional republic with a socialist government.

(Photo by Royal Opera House Covent Garden’s photostream, CC BY 2.0 DEED.)
Stopping Socialism is a project of The Heartland Institute and The Henry Dearborn Center for Human Rights, a nonprofit association of professionals and scholars.