LISTEN: Socialism Grows in America’s Schools

For decades, most public school teachers have been teaching a sugarcoated version of socialism to America’s youth.

Instead of teaching the unvarnished truth about socialism, including the mass murder, abject poverty, and lack of freedom that has been central to socialist regimes around the world, most American public school teachers present a fairy-tale version of socialism.

This matters because today’s youth have a misguided view of socialism, which does not bode well for the future of freedom and prosperity in the United States.

In the 100th episode of Cheryl Chumley’s Bold and Blunt podcast series, Justin Haskins joins Cheryl for an in-depth and wide-ranging discussion about socialism in America’s classrooms.

Click here to listen to this excellent, timely podcast, or you can listen below using the embedded player:

PHOTO: Classroom. Photo by Lead Beyond. Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)